E & D


This policy is the Badgers and Jam general Equality Policy. Individual games may refine this according to more specific requirements, and any game-specific policy should be considered to supersede this one, but where no specific policy exists for an individual game, this policy will apply.

This document is constantly evolving, and we welcome any constructive feedback to help us improve it.

This document should be seen as setting a tone for the kind of events we wish to facilitate. We will use our own judgement in how it is implemented in any given circumstance – specifically, as with any set of rules, we will attempt to ensure that they are implemented in the spirit they imply, not to the letter they are written by.

Violations of this policy will be handled according to our general Incidents Policy.


All elements of this policy apply at live events and in any online medium connected with Badgers and Jam events.

General behaviour at events

Any real-world sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other form of prejudice of any kind has no place at a Badgers and Jam event. Out of character violence is prohibited. Any player engaging in any such prejudiced, bigoted or real-world violent behaviour at an event may be asked to leave and/or banned from all future Badgers and Jam events. We will not hesitate to involve the police, if appropriate.

While alcohol may be available at some Badgers and Jam events, please note that intoxication will not be viewed as mitigation in the case of unacceptable behaviour.

In-game behaviour and game themes

Our games will not feature themes of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexual violence (meaning reference to any form of non-consensual sexual activity), domestic abuse, infanticide or eating disorders unless we are specifically facilitating a game intended to address one of those themes as a central concern, in which case it will be clearly flagged as part of the game.

If any of these themes are not indicated as a theme of the game, then any in-game behaviour or language that would fall into those categories or reference those topics is prohibited. If at any time, a player is unsure whether a given behaviour or reference might be prohibited in-game, we suggest they err on the side of caution.

Accessibility Information

We regret that the venue for this game is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, and any out-of-character space will be part of a pub that is open to the public – unfortunately this time around we have no designated OC area available to us, but players who need to take breaks are welcome to step outside the game room at any point.

The game itself is a highly social, emotion-driven game, with some very light puzzle elements that will require no more physical ability than eight hours with some light moving around in a pub environment normally would.